Raycasting for 3D Rendering

Raycasting for 3D Rendering

January 11, 2025ยท Yannick

Recently I remembered a project I had worked on five years ago as a science project for school. The project was about raycasting and how it can be used to calculate and render three-dimensional environments. It was a lot of fun to work on and I learned lots of new things while working on it together with my friend Pascal.

Project Files

As I thought it would be a good Idea to display this project on my website, I wanted to find the project files and the report/presentation we wrote back then. This turned out to be a bit more difficult than I had anticipated as when I tried finding anything related to the project on my computer and even on my home NAS, I found nothing.

I decided to ask Pascal if he still had the files, but he also could not find them. He did however remember that he still had a printed copy of the report back at his parents house, about 600km away from where he lives now. This was not a viable option though as we wanted to have the digital files in hopes of being able to recover the images and code we had written back then.

I asked Alex if he knew whether “Jugend Forscht” (the competition we participated in) keeps all reports ever submitted, as he had also participated in the competition, and he sent me a link where I could log in to my account to retrieve the files.

The login was another problem as neither Pascal nor I could remember either the username or the password we had used to register for the competition. Pascal then found an old email from 2019, the year we signed up for the competition, where his username was mentioned. He then was able to reset his password, and log in to retrieve the report as pdf.

Project Report

I read through the report and converted it from pdf to markdown, so that I could display it on my website. It is now available and can be found here. I also plan on publishing a GitHub repository with the code and the original german report, for which I still need Pascal to find the source code files.