My Projects
My Projects
👋 Hello! This is my projects page. Here you can find a list of all my public projects, including links to their respective articles.
You can view the sidebar on the left or use the search function on the top right to find a specific project.
Pinned Projects
The implementation of Abstract Data Types (ADTs) in Java for the German Abitur curriculum (Niedersachsen)
A project about raycasting and how it can be used to calculate and render three-dimensional environments.
A simple Minecraft data pack that tracks the playtime of each player and displays it in the action bar.
A timeline of all my projects, including closed source projects. Projects without articles are marked with the Private tag in the top right!
Please be aware that the documentation is still under construction. Some pages may be incomplete or missing entirely.
I am working on completing the docs for as many projects as possible. I also have a tutorials section planned for the future, which will explain the basic installation, setup and usage of various software.